
Many companies are actively using ai consulting services. More often than not, businesses start working with AI, using chatbots based on it. This allows you to significantly save on employee salaries, increase the level of service and customer loyalty. So what is an AI-based chatbot and how does it work?

What is a Chatbot Based on Artificial Intelligence

Communication with users, customers is most often online. For this purpose, chat rooms are integrated into websites. In the past, questions were answered by support staff or managers. These were either special employees, or this duty was added to the existing staff.

The next step was to create a chatbot. Most often, the bot prompted the user to select a question of interest and gave a pre-prepared answer. The huge disadva ntage of these systems was that in non-standard situations you still needed human help, i.e. communication with a call center operator.

Today, artificial intelligence can conduct a coherent dialog with the user. It answers questions quickly, is always polite, writes without mistakes, and can carry a conversation with many interlocutors at once.

How an AI Chatbot Works

The functionality of these systems is based on two advanced technologies at once: artificial intelligence and machine learning. To simplify and somewhat generalize the description of the process, communication takes place in several stages:

  1. The user enters a query. The system reads this query.
  2. Understanding the query. The integrated NLP engine processes the user’s natural language and “understands” the question.
  3. Answer generation. The chatbot is focused on understanding the query and uses one of the approaches available to it—either issuing a ready-made answer from the downloaded database or generating its own variant based on machine learning.

To make such a dialog as complete and useful as possible for the interlocutor, the chatbot should be constantly trained. This way it will be fully prepared for non-standard scenarios of human behavior when communicating.

Types of AI bots

Conventionally, there are 2 types of AI-based bots: chatbots and virtual assistants. The latter definition is not quite correct, but it most accurately describes the functionality.

AI Based Chat Rooms

Everything that is written above fully applies to chat rooms.


That is, the main task of artificial intelligence is to answer questions. Such models are actively used on websites and in simple applications.

AI-based Virtual Assistants

In essence, this is also a chatbot, only with more advanced functionality. They can fully imitate human behavior during a dialog, their answers are always complete, coherent, detailed. Such assistants are always much more difficult to develop. You need integration with a lot of data, besides, deep learning is very important.

A few words about the future of AI bots. They will develop, as the technology is very convenient, and its use is profitable for business. Whoever adopts AI-based bots now and uses the technology in their business processes will be in the lead in a few years. The main thing is to use its capabilities correctly and find competent technical assistants.

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