For an industry that is gaining more followers and generating larger revenue numbers by the year, innovation is absolutely vital to retain that following and to continue boosting those figures. Around the world, more markets are becoming aware of the popularity of online casino play and are attempting to pass through legislation and establish regulations to provide a secure and entertaining foundation for people to play casino classics such as blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, and slots in a convenient, portable, online form.
However, for the markets that are already operating within the online casino industry, their task is to keep driving improvement and there is no easier way for online providers around the world to retain customers and players than by introducing new features that enhance game play, graphics, sounds, and the overall experience. For the majority of markets worldwide, bonus purchase slots at the Daily Star have proved especially popular amongst the online casino playing population.
The bonus buy feature is found exclusively on online slots games and the function allows online slots enthusiasts to buy bonus levels, as opposed to unlocking them via standard game play. Most online slots games nowadays come with this feature and display a button where the bonus buy can be triggered. Depending on the game, there might even be different types of bonus buys that require varying amounts of investment.
Bonus buys have rapidly grown in popularity due to the way they accelerate game play and offer larger multipliers that can potentially lead to greater earnings. The emphasis on the word “potentially” is an important one as bonus buys do not guarantee wins. However, players also enjoy the bonus features once this bonus is activated. This could come in the form of different pay lines involving “wild” symbols, more free spins, or expanded reel formations.
Not Possible to Purchase the Bonus in Every Market
For those looking to use this bonus feature, it is worth knowing that it is not available in every online casino market.
While there is a high chance that new and emerging markets will offer this bonus on their licensed providers to generate traffic and a player base, more experienced and established markets have taken a stand against bonus buy slots in recent history.
UK Amongst Strictest Online Casino Markets
With a solid history of gambling that dates back centuries, it is no surprise that the UK is one of the market leaders when it comes to online casinos. Their revenue numbers generated from online gambling, which also includes online sports betting, surpass those of some markets put together. Unfortunately for players looking to play on UK-licensed online casinos, the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) takes a strong stance against bonus buy games.
As with all online gambling games, there are many dangers to be aware of. Illegally operating, non-licensed platforms are one of them. However, the main reason behind the UK banning bonus purchase games in 2019 is the risk of large financial losses.
On many bonus buy games, the amount required usually outweighs what a regular stake would cost, quite significantly on some games, which is a factor the UKGC, along with the Netherlands and Sweden take very seriously. The Netherlands have also banned bonus buy games, while Sweden is currently debating the topic.
Players to Continue Purchasing the Bonus
While only a small proportion of the online casino industry stand against bonus buy slots, the vast majority still offer this feature and while it remains popular, players will continue activating bonus buys. As always, there is the necessity to heed caution when using bonus buys, but while this bonus feature has propelled online casinos to new heights, there will certainly be more innovations and features to arrive on online casino platforms in years to come.